About Counterpoint Studio
Counterpoint Studio's workshop is located at our home in Salisbury, on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Set on thirty-four acres of historic farmland that borders the Wicomico River, it provides much of the inspiration for our work. We are not open to the public but will often meet clients desiring custom jewelry for weddings and special occasions.

The Olde Farmhouse dates back to the late 1800's when the farmland was originally cleared. Though it never had running water, it was "electrified" back in the early 1940's. We have "protected" it with a new metal roof and hope someday to turn it into a "Studio" for teaching jewelry technique.

Wanda's workshop is in the main house, close to the woodstove in winter and the screened porch for cool summer breezes across the pond.

Each Spring a Canada Goose pair will stake out the pond as their territory and proudly present their new family to us. Eagles and Falcons nest in the tall trees on our river front, hunt in the field, and fish in the pond. A Blue Heron ("Big Blue") frequents the ponds, fishing in the grass along the edge,

Fourteen Acres of protected tidal marshland and twelve wooded acres provide homes for Red Fox, Possum, Deer, Raccoon, Wild Turkeys, and even a Coyote, The marsh is lush with natural growth and a wide variety of flowers.

"Inspired by Nature" is not just a byline. Wanda's training as a biologist gives her a keen eye for the beauty around us as she captures the symmetry, colors, textures, and wonders in the pieces she creates for you. Each one is truly one of a kind.