Our jewelry adventure started in 2017 and so did my bench. Neither project went as planned but here we are in 2019 wrapping up the bench and having a great time at shows around the Maryland area.
It's the best bench! Lots of little drawers for tools and stuff, a center shelf that pulls out to capture the shavings from sawing with a lift out tray that's easy to empty, larger drawers for metal sheet and wire coils, and magnetic strips to keep tools handy including one that slides out above that sliding tray.
All built by hand. In 2017 Craig didn't have the full use of his hands so I ran the saws, drills, sanders and paint brushes while he supervised. I love working with metal--wood not so much but I trudged through the tasks till we had three sides and a top assembled. This make shift bench worked fine for me but it wasn't what Craig had in mind. He's all healed now and retirement has given him time to focus on "projectS (notice the capital S) . After one week, I have a work of art filled with love in the form of the most beautiful jeweler's bench. I am the luckiest jeweler.
So Craig, now that the bench is done......about that ugly wallpaper.